When news is this good, we cannot help but share it! Jesus Christ died for the remission of your sins and was resurrected so that you may have eternal life with Him and the Father in heaven forever! Amen! We are passionate about reaching beyond our walls out into the lives of people in our community and all over the world.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you… ~Matthews 28:19-20
Dedicated Teams
Community Outreach Action Team (C.O.A.T.)
Engaging to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in our community.
Missions Team
Seeking God’s direction in spreading the Gospel throughout the world to people who do not know Jesus.

Compassion Cupboard
FREE Non-Food Essentials distributed on the 1st Monday and 2nd Wednesday to families in need each month.

Overcomers Outreach
Bible classes and fellowship for those working away from addictive behaviors.

World English School
English as a Second Language instruction inspiring confidence through relationships.
Iglesia de Cristo
Worship services, bible classes and fellowship activities for Spanish speakers.