I joined the Cedar Hill Church of Christ in March 2013. Originally from a small town named Huetamo in Michoacan, a southern Mexican State, moved up north at age 12 to Piedras Negras, Coahuila a much bigger town across the border with Eagle Pass, Texas. Saved by God’s grace, I met Betty and we got married in November 2005. Then, moved, again, up north to Grand Prairie, Texas. We are the proud parents of Cielo, and if you don’t know Cielo means Heaven, that helps me to think of Heaven every day. So, you already know, the next time we move it will be up north, either Alaska or somewhere in Canada but, to be honest I’d rather it be Heaven. I was the guy who cleaned what needed to be cleaned, and fixed what was broken here in the church building. Now, I am blessed to serve as ministro for iglesia de Cristo and still prepare one of the best Wednesday Night Meals (I’ve been told).

Hugo Amezcua
Ministro, Iglesia de Cristo
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Matt Helm
Youth/Family Minister
Alan Martin
Preaching Minister