Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 1:2
In our early married life, Tiffany and I were like most couples, we struggled to make ends meet. That is a blessed time of life where many lessons are learned, but there is a danger in that phase of life that I perceived in myself years later. I became aware of a “poverty mentality” that never allowed me to view our situation as sufficient. No matter how much we made, I found that I always felt like we were poor. All the attendant worries and concerns that come with being poor came along with that assessment no matter how false it was. And it was blatantly false.
I think a fair number Christians experience their relationship with the Lord with that same kind of “poverty mentality”. In our self-deprecation, some of us make the mistake of communicating to our hearts that we are just barely scraping by. But Peter’s prayer for his readers here communicates that “abundance” is what is available. There is an abundant amount of grace and peace ready to experience in Jesus.
The means to this multiplied abundance is through our getting to know Him well. This is more than just information about Him. It surely includes information, but it just as surely includes an experiential knowledge of Him as we follow Him and come to know His faithful love and power.
So let’s not fall for the lie that we are spiritual paupers. No, let’s live with the constant awareness that we are rich with the blessings of knowing our Lord.
– Deryk Pritchard, Preacher